Dynamic Shipping Rate allows you to set individual shipping rates based on Duki’s shipping methods.
For example, you can have different rates for different shipping methods.
Moreover, Dynamic Shipping Rate can also create shipping rates based on cart conditions:
By cart weight
By cart total
For example, you can have different rates for the same shipping method.
Same Shipping Method
If the conditions are for the same shipping method, you must rank them to prioritize which rate will be matched first.
In this example,we first check the weight condition,
then the total condition,
and finally, the last 7-11 catch-all condition.
Default Rate
If none of the conditions are matched, it will go to the default rate.The default rate will always be used if no conditions match your dynamic shipping rate.
You can edit the fee and the name of this rate.
Pro Tips
Change the default shipping Rate
After installing Duki, the Default Rate fee is $0.It is recommended to change the fee immediately to avoid giving free shipping. However, if you want to always give free shipping for any shipping method, leave the default rate fee at $0.
Create range conditions
You can create multiple range conditions for the same shipping method.Set up catch-all shipping rates for all your shipping methods.
Catch-all shipping rates are shipping rates without conditions.It is recommended that ALL your shipping methods have a catch-all shipping rate, and you should always put this rate UNDER all your conditional shipping rates.